
Today In History...

History has played an immensely important role in how we shape our future. Countries, businesses, and individuals who learn from their past - good & bad - tend to grow from strength to strength. Lessons learnt are worth every penny if the same mistakes are not repeated. The seeds we sow today become the fruits we harvest tomorrow.

Blah! Blah! Blah! ... It's so easy to say all that right?

So many times have I experienced my past come right back to bite me in the butt! Long have I come to realise that MY past is My problem - live with it! Honesty is for my Charlie to chew and redecorate as he sees fit! It really doesn't pay to be truthful...

That's the Bitter Green Monster surfacing? And why not? It's kept me going very well so far, thank you! The world can go to hell and back for all I care. As long as I achieve what I set out to do, I think it's worth it - the end will ultimately justify the means.


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