
Happy Birthday To Youuuuuuuu!!!!!!

What's really in a person's age? Isn't it just a couple of numbers strung together to indicate the number of years we have spent on this Dirt Ball?

We humans generally go through 3 stages with regard to our date of birth.
From none to 16, we want people to remember it and actually look forward to celebrating it.
From 17 to 59, we hope nobody remembers how old we really are.
After 60, we hope that we can actually get to celebrate the next one again.

I remember when I was in my teens, I couldn't wait to grow up and do all those grown up things. When I got past me 20s, I just wished people would stop telling me how responsible I should be. After the 30th, every year just seems to fly by. A matter of perspective you say? Perhaps.

Well tomorrow's gonna be yet another notch to my totem pole. With all the shit that's hitting the fan, I sincerely hope that it will be a memorable one for the right reasons.

"Oh why were you born so beautiful? Oh why were you born at all? You're no bloody good to anyone, you're no bloody good at all!"


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