

60 seconds make a minute
60 minutes make an hour
24 hours make a day
7 days make a week
52 weeks make a year
or to put it simply,
365 days make a year

Now who the f*** was the almighty genius who determined that this is the way time should be accounted for?

Ever had one of those days when you had all the time in the world with nothing better to do? When time seems to be crawling to a standstill? Or one of those days when time just doesn't seem enough? I'm experiencing a phenomenon right now - so many things and so many people who are screaming for my attention but time feels like it has come to a total stop.

All our lives, many of us dedicate our time to one thing or another. Some build on their career, others choose to start a family, and yet others seem like they are eternally lost in space! So what happens if your focus is on family but no matter how hard you try it just doesn't take off? Isn't career the next logical step to take? I have tried the "lost in space" thing, and trust me it's not as fun as it seems to be. So what would you choose if you were in my shoes?

Time to scoot! Yet another problem to attend to. And I can bet my bottom dollar that at the end of it, my watch will still read 10:00am - maybe my watch needs repair... Sigh...


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