
Today In History...

History has played an immensely important role in how we shape our future. Countries, businesses, and individuals who learn from their past - good & bad - tend to grow from strength to strength. Lessons learnt are worth every penny if the same mistakes are not repeated. The seeds we sow today become the fruits we harvest tomorrow.

Blah! Blah! Blah! ... It's so easy to say all that right?

So many times have I experienced my past come right back to bite me in the butt! Long have I come to realise that MY past is My problem - live with it! Honesty is for my Charlie to chew and redecorate as he sees fit! It really doesn't pay to be truthful...

That's the Bitter Green Monster surfacing? And why not? It's kept me going very well so far, thank you! The world can go to hell and back for all I care. As long as I achieve what I set out to do, I think it's worth it - the end will ultimately justify the means.



60 seconds make a minute
60 minutes make an hour
24 hours make a day
7 days make a week
52 weeks make a year
or to put it simply,
365 days make a year

Now who the f*** was the almighty genius who determined that this is the way time should be accounted for?

Ever had one of those days when you had all the time in the world with nothing better to do? When time seems to be crawling to a standstill? Or one of those days when time just doesn't seem enough? I'm experiencing a phenomenon right now - so many things and so many people who are screaming for my attention but time feels like it has come to a total stop.

All our lives, many of us dedicate our time to one thing or another. Some build on their career, others choose to start a family, and yet others seem like they are eternally lost in space! So what happens if your focus is on family but no matter how hard you try it just doesn't take off? Isn't career the next logical step to take? I have tried the "lost in space" thing, and trust me it's not as fun as it seems to be. So what would you choose if you were in my shoes?

Time to scoot! Yet another problem to attend to. And I can bet my bottom dollar that at the end of it, my watch will still read 10:00am - maybe my watch needs repair... Sigh...



Here Lies...

Ever wondered what would appear on your tombstone when you make that final trip to the Big Kahuna Reef in the Sky? Superstitions aside, I find that this sobering thought helps to put our lives into perspective. Another thing to try is to write your own eulogy - what would others say about you when you are gone? Just 2 rules - Be Honest & Be Realistic. You'd be surprised!


Happy Birthday To Youuuuuuuu!!!!!!

What's really in a person's age? Isn't it just a couple of numbers strung together to indicate the number of years we have spent on this Dirt Ball?

We humans generally go through 3 stages with regard to our date of birth.
From none to 16, we want people to remember it and actually look forward to celebrating it.
From 17 to 59, we hope nobody remembers how old we really are.
After 60, we hope that we can actually get to celebrate the next one again.

I remember when I was in my teens, I couldn't wait to grow up and do all those grown up things. When I got past me 20s, I just wished people would stop telling me how responsible I should be. After the 30th, every year just seems to fly by. A matter of perspective you say? Perhaps.

Well tomorrow's gonna be yet another notch to my totem pole. With all the shit that's hitting the fan, I sincerely hope that it will be a memorable one for the right reasons.

"Oh why were you born so beautiful? Oh why were you born at all? You're no bloody good to anyone, you're no bloody good at all!"



Life Is... A Bed Of Crap... Just On Different Days...

How time flies in our little sphere of Life. It seems like just yesterday that we were shaking hands and exchanging Christmas cheer.

Ever heard of the hearing "Same Shit Different Day"? Well I guess that just about sums up life for most of us homosapiens right? I mean we spend the 60 to 70 years of our total existance swallowing the crap that others feed us, and many a times, we end up shaking their hands with a big smile on our faces.

Ever had one of those days when you wake up in the morning feeling like a million dollars but by noon time feel like you were 10 million in debts? I've had quite a few of those lately...

I do so envy my little Charlie sometimes - care free, with a master who loves him to hell and back. Makes me wonder why they say "it's a dog's life" as if it was a bad thing. I mean how bad could it actually be? Wake up in the morning -> eat -> play with toys -> chew up stuff -> take a nap -> eat -> nap again -> play with other toys -> nap -> chew up more stuff -> act stupid to get a few laughs -> sleep. And that's just a boring day!!!

Well it's time to get back to the pump & grind.
Till my next lament.........
