
Thou Art Thine Hero!

Growing up, I remember my first hero was Superman. Then as I grew older, I got smarter and adored Batman instead. I mean yeah, the cool car, amazing gadgets and ultra-happening Bat Cave had lots to do with the decision to change heros, but the main reason was cause I seriously believed Batman was so much smarter than Superman. In fact I still do!

Why you may ask? The reason is simple - they both have terrible fashion sense (who in their right mind would wear their underwear on the outside?!?) but at least Batman had the frame of mind to wear a mask!

Fashion aside, I used to think that superheroes had the coolest jobs on earth. Not to mention some of the coolest gadgets, fastest vehicles (drool...) and bodies that will make the chicks swoon! Well except Hulk of course - who ever wants to be an overgrown green monster in oh-so-not-cool jeans with absolutely no toy or car?

What with the economic slump that countries around the world had just gone through, I'm kinda wondering that with their super abilities and knowledge, what our superheroes /supervillians would be doing if they ever become broke or get fired?

Here are four I managed to track down --->>>

Highrise Window Washer Extraodinaire

Calvin Klein Model

Coolest Firefighter 2006 (NYFD)

Osama Bin Laden
Suburban Interior Designer

Wait a minute! That last picture looks awfully familiar. Like I've seen him somewhere recently. Nah, my eyes must be playing tricks on me. Well if anyone hears of the whereabouts of any other hero or villian, do keep me informed.


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