
The Great Stink...

Ok so I guess it's now official! Smoking is a big no no in all air-conditioned places, public transport, and in dining outlets with outdoor sitting a limited (20%) seating is alotted for smoking. What would they do next? "Smoking not permitted in pubs and discos"?

Cigarette prices keep going up, regulations keep getting tighter, smoking places get lesser... So why not just ban the damn thing?

Remember my analogy on alcohol? Well it's kinda simple here too isn't it?
Tobacco = Leaf = Plants = Vegetation
Those who think vegetables are bad for your health please raise your hands!

Doctors and health nuts will tell you that smoking tobacco is bad for your health. It's addictive, it destroys your stamina, kills your lungs and opens you up to all forms of health risk. Hellllloooooo!!!! My life remember? Whatever happened to freedom of CHOICE?

So it's addictive? Marijuana isn't!
Destroys your stamina? So does too much sex!
Kills your lungs? Try sitting around all day doing nothing!
Health risks? Like I said, try sitting around all day!

So that being the case, I propose that we should ban SEX and Sitting Around since Marijuana is already banned!

I walked into a Cigar Divan after dinner today, looking forward to purchase a delectable Monte Cristo No. 2 and enjoy it with a double shot of Ameretto. Imagine my horror when the manager tells me that due to the new ruling, I could not smoke my cigar there. This was a bar in a 5-Star hotel with a seating capacity of at least 100. So based on my bad math, the 20% rule would mean that there should be at least 20 tables for smokers right? WRONG! It's 20% of total outdoor seating and since this bar was now serving food and had only 5 tables outside, the smoking-permitted tables work out to a grand total of 1! Uno! Satu!

Pissed off and on the brink of irrational behaviour, I walked out of the place and lit a cigarette instead, only to have a woman who could only be described as ANTIQUE walk past me waving her hand in front of her nose and a disgusted look on her face. Helllllooooo!!! WHAT'S YOUR BLOODY PROBLEM!?!?! You don't see me waving my hand at your al'cheapo perfume do you?

I seriously believe that I'm living in a nightmare now and any moment, I'm going to wake up with a beer in my left hand and a joint on my right. Please let this be just a dream!

Have you ever noticed how when 2 smokers gather around an ashtray for a smoke, a friendly nod turns into a conversation? Ever noticed how when folks in the neighbourhood gather, they'll never hesitate to share a cigarette? I say that the misunderstood tabacco should become our symbol of friendship and solidarity! The American Indians had their Peace Pipe and I say we should too!


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