
Our Saintly Lives...

We go about our mundane lives not really understanding half of why we really do what we do. Sure there are lots of us who think we've got it all figured out but one day when the wall crumbles around us, we realise that the piece of vinyl canvass and wooden scaffold just doesn't count as a sturdy wall.

We fill our lives with things we hold dear (at least we think they're dear) but fail to realise that everything material is just that - material, bio waste in our infinite universe. Well, at least I know I do.

Singaporeans (permanent residents included - you know who you are!) have the 5Cs? I have the 6Cs --->>>
Car (Small one)
Cash (not much left)
Condo (uh HDB also can count lah right?)
Credit Card (almost all maxed out already)
Career (I NEED A NEW JOB!!!)

That's my little boy by the way. My pride, my joy, my ever present companion, my vacuum cleaner, my interior re-designer (bite marks are really the IN-THING), MY NEXT MURDER VICTIM!!!

Someone once said that there are 2 certainties in live - death and taxes. Till we can argue intelligently with this fact, I think I'll agree for now.



Anonymous said...

Dude.. your car where got small? somemore got two cars already...

Saint Mark said...

2 cars? Since when? Must have left the other one somewhere and forgot about it!